Useful tools provided by SEG, not required to run SCS but can assist or ease its usage, setup, testing and/or operation.
Use at your own risk.
IP Diagnostics
Provides ability to listen and read data on network ports (including UDP)
Simulation Manager
Provides ability to replay RAW data from database (new/v5 edition)
Raw Simulator
Provides ability to replay RAW files (old/v4 edition)
Serial Port Diagnostics
Provides ability to read and index incoming data on serial ports
SCS Compactor
Provides ability to take post-cruise datasets and pull specific datafields out into a consolidated file.
CTD Transmitter
Submission tool for submitting CTD data to NCEI (beta)
External / 3rd Party Helpers
NOAA/OMAO does not endorse, support, stand behind or validate these tools. They have proven to be useful in practice but are not required. Use at your own risk, review and comply with each vendors license agreement.
The auto-submission of SAMOS data for NOAA ships in SCSv5 already takes care of the specified metadata requirements.
If you keep your physical inventory up to date in CFE there is no longer any need to manually fill out and submit/maintain the forms below.
Vessel Metadata Form
Instrument Metadata Form
Instructions for Metadata Form
Preferred Exchange Format Specification
This Agreement is entered into by and between the United States Department of Commerce (“Commerce”), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (“NOAA”), Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (“OMAO”), and the User (as defined below).
The parties agree as follows:
The SCS Software (“Software”), which was developed to be used aboard NOAA ships to acquire, log, and quality control data from many sensor systems, includes:
A suite of application programs in executable files that can be installed for
operation on the User’s computer. Source code is specifically excluded from
this agreement.
Auxiliary data files (such as world coastline data and documentation files) to
make SCS Software fully functional on a ship.
A user’s manual in electronic format that describes how to install and operate the
SCS Software and that describes selected algorithms used by the application
A copy of this user agreement.
User: User is defined herein as any researcher, public organization or agency, non-profit or private organization, or U.S. Federal agency who accesses, receives, and/or uses the Software.
Intellectual Property Rights: Portions of the Software were created by U.S. Government employees and therefore are not subject to copyright in the United States (17 U.S.C. §105). The United States/Commerce reserve all rights to seek and obtain copyright protection in countries other than the United States for portions of the Software authored in their entirety by NOAA/OMAO. To this end, Commerce hereby grants to User a royalty-free, nonexclusive license to use, copy, and create derivative works of the Software outside of the United States.
Inbound Licenses may impose duties and limitations upon NOAA/OMAO and any User of the Software. Upon NOAA/OMAO’s request, User shall cooperate in good faith to enable NOAA/OMAO to comply with such Inbound Licenses. For purposes hereunder, “Inbound License” shall mean one or more third-party agreements by which NOAA/OMAO obtains one or more licenses regarding such intellectual property, use, data, or other rights as are necessary regarding the Software or any component thereof.
The Software is provided to the User and those who may take by, through or under it, “as is,” without any warranty (whether express or implied) or representation whatsoever, including but not limited to any warranty of merchantability. The Software is taken hereunder without any right to support or to any improvements, extensions, or modifications, except as may be agreed to separately, in writing, by NOAA/OMAO.
Release: User, on behalf of itself and all others who take by, through or under it, hereby and forever waives, releases and discharges the United States/Commerce and all its instrumentalities from any and all liabilities and obligations in connection with the use, application, sale or conveyance of the Software. The User agrees this term should be given the broadest interpretation possible in favor of the release of the United States/Commerce under applicable law.
Security of User Data: Except as required by Federal law or as permitted by User, NOAA/OMAO will not disclose User information provided by User to NOAA/OMAO.
Indemnification and Hold Harmless: User shall indemnify and hold harmless the United States/Commerce and its instrumentalities from all claims, liabilities, demands, damages, expenses, and losses arising from or in connection with User’s use, application, sale or conveyance of the Software, including those who take by, through or under User whether or not User was directly involved. This provision will survive termination of this Agreement and will include any and all claims or liabilities arising under intellectual property rights, such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. If User of software is an Executive Agency of the United States, this clause is not applicable.
Governing law: The construction, validity, performance, and effect of this Agreement for all purposes will be governed by Federal law of the United States.
Publications: Publications or presentations, by either party, describing results of research conducted with the Software, will acknowledge contributions of the other party, with consent of that party.
No endorsement: User will not use the logos, emblems, or trademarks of NOAA/OMAO or Commerce on any product or service that is directly or indirectly related to this Agreement without the prior written approval of NOAA/OMAO or Commerce. By entering into this Agreement, the parties do not directly or indirectly endorse any product or service provided, or to be provided, by the other party, its successors, assignees, or licensees. The parties will not in any way imply that this agreement is endorsement of any such product or service.
User agrees to make a good faith effort to use the Software in a way that does not cause damage, harm, or embarrassment to Commerce or the United States. The United States/Commerce expressly reserves all rights and remedies.